It’s Thanksgiving in Liberia! Today we pause to praise God for Liberia and all the athletes who represent her. We give thanks to God for the athletic talents that He has blessed our country with. We thank Him for giving us a platform to promote and assist Liberian athletes on.

Before 2008, I never knew Liberia had an Olympic team dating back to the late 50s. Since then, God has used Madeah, myself and all our supporters to give elite Liberian athletes a place to share their stories and fulfill their dreams. We don’t take this responsibility lightly.

If you have ever donated to an athlete’s competition or shared a story, THANK YOU! As we prepare for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, we will give Team LIB fans more opportunities to get our best athletes to Tokyo. Sports can change lives and we thank you again for helping us to make this idea a reality.

~ L. Manseen Logan
LIB Olympic Blog Editor-in-Chief

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